
 Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is the oldest and largest business organization in Estonia with a mission to facilitate the development of entrepreneur-friendly business environment and education policy.


  • Making information queries for Estonian and foreign businesses (partner search from abroad, researching for questions regarding legislation and doing business in Estonia and abroad);
  • Assisting tasks in relation to carrying out European projects and organizing trainings.


  • New knowledge and versatile work experience
  • Possibility to take part in conferences and training on a variety of topics
  • Flexible working conditions
  • A good overview of Estonian business environment
  • Nice milieu for working
  • Friendly colleagues
  • Favorable conditions for networking


  • Ability to learn quickly
  • Good command of English (Russian is a plus)
  • Interest in acquiring new knowledge
  • Positive and active attitude


  • The trainee position in the Chamber is unpaid. As a result, we cannot offer our trainees a salary.

Feeling intrigued? Get in touch


Gaia Milazzo 
"Healthy Workplaces; Good for you, good for business”, that is what was written on the cover of a block-notes they gave me during my first working day. Since day one, I was pretty sure it would have been a preview of things to come, and I was right. The Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry represents a great example of friendly, healthy and - at the same time – reliable place you can count on if you are looking for work experiences (even the first ones, like I did). Estonia is small but at the same big when it comes to the possibilities it can give you if you have the right mindset to collect them. So, don’t be scared to widen your horizons and give this amazing country a chance to show you that being in a completely different place compared to your homeplace, makes you a brand new person after your experience. Flexible, helpful, inclusive are just a few adjectives that I could mention when thinking about the employees of the ECCI; moreover, they are the demonstration that the language is never a limit if you really are into something. I will always remember my experience here as a fully committed trainee who had the chance to learn from the workers she was surrounded by and who got to know wonderful and inspiring people.  


Claudia de Leonardis
A person much more authoritative than me once wrote: "Experience is a double-edged sword: the more we accumulate, the more frequently we have to decide how to interpret it. On the one hand, there are seemingly impassable boundaries, on the other, if you find the courage to try to overcome them, possibilities may open up. " (Paolo Nespoli) 

Here, I think this quote can fully describe my experience at the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. I arrived in Estonia from Italy the day after the war broke out in Ukraine, a very dark day for Europe and the Democratic World. The fear was high, but only once I arrived in Estonia did I realize that I was safe, that the experience had begun from the exact moment when I decided to take that flight despite the fear that all Europeans were sharing. Beyond the limit of fear, I found a hospitable country, which welcomed me immediately, despite the fact that people here are said to be cold, which I found not completely true.  I found a stimulating team, a dynamic working environment and I was followed step by step throughout my internship. I learned so much not only from a work point of view, but also from a personal point of view. Today I can state that the experience at the Estonian Chamber of Commerce is not a point of arrival, but a starting point, a point to begin to fill a baggage with countless knowledge and skills that now I see only countless possibilities ahead in the future. 


Chiara Pontin
Chiara joined the Chamber after graduating from her MA in Comparative International Relations from the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy. She is specialised in Russia and Eastern Europe and after several study and internship experiences in Russia, Hungary, Slovakia and Poland, she chose the Chamber to deepen her knowledge of the Baltic area and expand her expertise in Eastern Europe.

“Its location makes Estonia a geographical and cultural crossroad between Russia and the Nordic countries. With Russia, Estonia shares a common history and, in a sense, a common present, while its future is inspired by the Nordic experience: its economy has one of the highest growth rates among the EU member states; it is the most entrepreneurial country in Europe, one of the most environmental friendly, and among the most developed digital societies in the world. The Chamber of Commerce is a privileged vantage point for observing such an interesting country, this is what prompted me to apply for this traineeship.”


Johanna-Maria Värgården
Johanna joined the Chamber shortly after studying politics and economics at Meiji University in Tokyo. Previously, she spent 3 years in Rotterdam, studying trade management for Asia, specializing on Japanese market. As Johanna is eager to learn, she does not prefer a dull workplace. This is exactly why she has chosen the Chamber of Commerce and Industry as her first challenging stepping stone.Johanna-Maria Värgarden

'' In the Chamber, I hope to map out the business areas and spheres of potential action that are interesting to me and relevant in our world today. As a trainee at the Chamber, I have the opportunity to meet with executives from various fields. I believe that the position of a trainee at the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry offers me respectable prospects for continuing successfully in the world of work, nevertheless a comprehensive overview of Estonia's economic activities. ''


Clementine VasseClémentine Vasse
My traineeship at the Chamber has been a great start to my career. It was the best opportunity to (re)discover Estonian business culture and digital society, to improve my knowledge on regional and European cooperation, to learn how to organize business events, while working in such an enjoyable old town! As a French student in law, I assisted Estonian companies in analyzing the export opportunities of their products to France. I also helped local companies finding partners in other European countries, through Enterprise Europe Network, and participated in welcoming foreign delegation coming to visit Estonia. I would definitely recommend a traineeship at the ECCI for anyone who is curious about Estonia and interested in trade cooperation in the EU!

Anneli PalusteAnneli Paluste
I went to the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for an internship in Entrepreneurship Management. In agreement with my supervisor, Piret Potisepp, I analyzed various marketing channels for the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and made suggestions on how to improve information sharing and increase the attendance rate of the Chamber's events. In addition, I made my own suggestions for a survey on the Learning and Work Integration Program. All in all, the activities of the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry seemed to be very well organized and the work and projects needed were necessary for all entrepreneurs. It was great to hear and experience how welcomed are trainees in this organization. I think it is very important that students are given the opportunity to see the work of different organizations and to contribute to their development.

Sigrid TiitsSigrit Tiits
Master of Science in Taltech Enterprise and Export Management
“I chose the Chamber as mu export practice because this is where most of Estonia's best entrepreneurs come together. During the internship, I learned what an ATA notebook is and how to export consulting is done and attended Export Academy Series events that were really helpful. The people in the Chamber are very nice and from day one I felt like a member of the team. I contributed with my long-term marketing knowledge and they helped me to develop in the export field. Our common interest led to my Master's thesis on high-level foreign visits, which also benefited the Chamber. I definitely recommend carrying out an internship in the Chamber. ”