Scaling circular business in Europe
As part of the European Commission’s continuous effort to transform Europe's economy into a more sustainable one and to implement the ambitious Circular Economy Action Plan, on 27 June 2018, the European Commission launched a platform for scaling circular businesses across Europe. The platform is launched to lead the way in boosting the transition towards a circular economy among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Europe.
Arnoud Walrecht, Circular Economy lead at KPMG Sustainability Netherlands: “The circular economy is about maximising the value out of products, materials and resources and redesign the way we produce and organize supply chains. Next to economic benefits circular business models also add value to society and the environment. Supporting mid-sized companies (representing the backbone of the European economy) in seizing circular opportunities is key in order to scale up the transition to a circular economy.”
An opportunity for European SMEs
The platform is composed of a set of general, material and sector specific circular solutions. While some obstacles to a circular economy are generic, different sectors and materials face specific challenges due to the particularities of the value chain. If you are interested in any of these solutions, we shall assist you in setting up effective collaborations with the providers.
Arnoud Walrecht: “The platform offers the opportunity for SMEs across Europe to connect with one or multiple circular solution providers to seize opportunities present in the transition to a circular economy in Europe.” KPMG Netherlands and the European Commission support the circular solution providers to scale up across Europe through expert advice, operational support, and networking opportunities.
Closing the gap
The circular economy is of growing importance for Europe and receives more and more support from policymakers and larger businesses in the European Union. Peter Czaga, Policy Officer for DG Environment said: “The European Commission also understands that, given their economic importance and their accumulated environmental impact, there cannot be an effective transition towards a circular economy without European SMEs.”
The platform is launched to make use of the momentum and to close the gap between circular innovations and traditional ways of working. KPMG Netherlands supports the European Commission in speeding up the transition towards a circular economy through capacity building, networking, and exchanges of innovative solutions. The platform helps to accelerate Europe's transition towards a circular economy, to boost Europe’s competitiveness, to foster sustainable economic growth, and to generate new jobs.
How can you join?
Are you an SME based in Europe recognizing the necessity and opportunity to contribute to the circular economy? Visit our platform at Scaling Circular Business and look for the solution that fits your needs.
Contact person European Commission
Peter Czaga
Policy officer, DG Environment
Contact person KPMG Netherlands
Arnoud Walrecht
Circular Economy lead, KPMG Sustainability Nederland